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2020 ICMtia Supplier and Customer Connection Forum

2020 ICMtia Supplier and Customer Connection Forum

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2020 ICMtia Supplier and Customer Connection Forum was successfully held in Hefei, Anhui on September 16, 2020.

Domestic manufacturing companies, like Nexchip, CXMT, YDME, YMTC, CorEnergy, TFME, CR MICRO, United Semi, JHICC, and XTH ZHONGHUAN had a face-to-face exchanges with more than 60 Chinese and foreign material suppliers. The connecting forum played a positive role in deepening the understanding and promoting the cooperation between suppliers and users.

        CXMT  had a face-to-face exchanges with 54 Chinese and foreign material suppliers. The connecting forum played a positive role in deepening the understanding and promoting the cooperation between suppliers and users.

        Nexchip  had a face-to-face exchanges with 27 Chinese and foreign material suppliers. The connecting forum played a positive role in deepening the understanding and promoting the cooperation between suppliers and users.
